Easter now over for another year, people like myself have started returning to
University, College and School and with a range of exams making their annual
appearance nationwide, everyone, including myself is understandably in a state
of panic.
in this post I'm going to attempt to help you all out with handy hints and
terrific tips I've learnt over the years.
The first
and most important thing I'd say is make a schedule for your revision to ensure
you know when you'll be doing it and how long for. This has always
helped me and has benefited many people around me. Feel free to copy mine if
you so wish!
My own
personal top three revision tips are these. They work, honest!
1. Take your revision into the bath.
I know this may sound strange but reading notes and books etc. in the bath
really helps. There are no people to distract you and no gadgets and gizmos to
interrupt your concentration.
2. Chew gum. This may also sound
strange, however it has been scientifically proven that if you chew gum while
revising and then chew gum in your exams, you'll remember things! Something to
do with the taste and smell senses being linked to memory.
3. Finally, start early. There is no
time early enough to start to revise. It’s common sense really but it's funny
how many people leave it to the last minute and start to struggle!
Belle Rose x
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